Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Simple Glimpse

Life is changing. My life. Your life. Lives in general. Big time changes. I admit I don't know a whole lot on the subject of the world's changing, but I know it's happening. I sometimes look at Google news to just try and get a headline view of the world's happenings. Just a headline view, mind you. It's all I need to read to realize things are happening...

I think that will be my goal on this here blog. Just some thoughts. A peek into my changing life. I really do think it is a thrilling ride...but not that much happens. That's what I love. A simple thrill. 

So here it is...a glimpse into the life of Meghan Underwood. The newly Meghan Underwood... (There's a thrill for ya.) 

Enjoy the headlines of my day to day.


  1. This is a good start sweet pea!! Keep blogging....I love it!

  2. You know what they say about those right-winged bloggers, don't you? They're terrorists! I'll be watching for signs of your leanings. P.S. love the pictures! MIL

  3. All caught up. Write some more!
